
Small country. Great food

Your connection to Belgian food & beverages

Belgium is the best place for the world-class food. And since food is even better when shared,
we want to connect with food lovers worldwide. The Belgian food industry created this
platform to introduce international food professionals to our innovative and diverse food
products and companies. It's time to get a taste of Belgium!

What's cooking in Belgium?

Belgian Economic Mission to Brazil



3 reasons why SIAL Paris is gold to Belgian food companies

Over a five-day period in October 2024, Paris was the beating heart of the latest trends and innovations in the world of food and drink. Our Belgian food companies again won gold on the strength of their insatiable hunger for quality, innovation and sustainability. 


The Belgian cuisine through the eyes of the Lady Chef of the Year 2023

Did you know that every year a female chef in Belgium is elected Lady Chef of the Year? On Oct. 23 2023, Manon Schenck received the award: "The flavours of this Lady Chef speak to the heart." How does she perceive Belgian food? Let’s find out!


Tiense Suikerraffinaderij introduces innovative industrial heat pump as a European first

Small country, great technology: Tiense Suikerraffinaderij is taking a new step in sustainable industrial innovation with the introduction of a unique industrial heat pump. 


Huyghe Brewery wants to put Brewery ‘Het Anker’ on the map internationally

How do our breweries work on the internationalization of Belgian beer? By tapping into new markets and developing innovating distribution strategies, according to Huyghe Brewery. And that is what the brewery will now also do for brewery 'Het Anker'!


Spotted at Anuga: 5 promising trends for tomorrow’s food

Anuga 2023 is a wrap! The food fair in Cologne was again the event of the year for our members. As many as 192 Belgian food companies talked to existing and potentially new customers about their diverse products and latest innovations.


Sitting down with… Koffiecafé’s Petty De Sloovere

Latte, cappuccino or iced? We all enjoy our coffee in our own way. What does the future of coffee look like? We sat down with Petty De Sloovere from the Royal Belgian Coffee Roasters Association: an interview on coffee trends and the sector's sustainability commitments.

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