Belgian food companies

193 companies found

Solinest Belgilux

Snacks, crisps, chips | Sugar confectionery


B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Bakery products, pastry & cake | Rice, flour, cereals and derivates, pasta


B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Snacks, crisps, chips

Test Account Datatool 3

B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Bakery products, pastry & cake | Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Meat, meat products and game | + 1 other

Tops Foods NV

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes

Transmeat N.V.

B2B, B2C, Own brand
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Meat, meat products and game

Unilever Belgium N.V./S.A.

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand
Basic products, ingredients for the food industry | Beverages | Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | + 5 others