Belgian food companies

189 companies found

Theo Bauwens NV

B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Meat, meat products and game

Tops Foods NV

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes

Transmeat N.V.

B2B, B2C, Own brand
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Meat, meat products and game

Unilever Belgium N.V./S.A.

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand
Basic products, ingredients for the food industry | Beverages | Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | + 5 others

Vache Bleue

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Dairy and plant-based alternatives to dairy

Vleeswaren L. Michielssen BVBA Produkten L.M.J.

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Meat, meat products and game


B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Meat, meat products and game