Belgian food companies

80 companies found

Greenyard NV

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Vegetables & fruits

Greenyard Prepared Belgium

B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Private label
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Snacks, crisps, chips | Spices, condiments and seasonings | + 1 other

Griffith Foods N.V.

B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Private label
Basic products, ingredients for the food industry | Spices, condiments and seasonings

Jermayo N.V.

B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Spices, condiments and seasonings

K+S Benelux NV/SA

B2B, B2C
Spices, condiments and seasonings


B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Beverages | Vegetables & fruits

Meurens Siroperie S.A.

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Vegetables & fruits