Belgian food companies

213 companies found


B2B, Retail, Private label
Bakery products, pastry & cake

Ferrero Ardennes S.A.

B2B, Own brand
Chocolate and chocolate products | Sugar confectionery

Food n’Joy S.A.

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Bakery products, pastry & cake | Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Desserts, ice creams and sorbet

Geldhof-Dewulf BVBA

Chocolate and chocolate products | Desserts, ice creams and sorbet

General Waffel Manufactory

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Bakery products, pastry & cake | Biscuits

Godiva Belgium

B2C, Own brand
Chocolate and chocolate products

Gourmand Pastries

B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand
Bakery products, pastry & cake