Belgian food companies

19 companies found

La Ferme des 7 Fontaines

B2B, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Meat, meat products and game

Les Notes de Mon Jardin Sprl

Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes

Mestdagh NV

B2B, B2C, Foodservices, Retail, Own brand, Private label
Bakery products, pastry & cake | Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Desserts, ice creams and sorbet | + 1 other

Nikita N.V.

B2B, Foodservices
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Snacks, crisps, chips | Spices, condiments and seasonings

TNS Kroket

Foodservices, Retail
Convenience food, prepared meals and dishes | Snacks, crisps, chips