.be inspired

On this page, discover what Belgian food and beverage companies are up to – including the latest innovations, investments and events. After all, companies in Belgium don’t sit still for long! For bite-sized news items, satisfy your craving with some food.be snacks. Are you more interested in exports and investments? Check out our Best of Belgium long-read stories. Not in the mood for reading? There’s a food.be video to suit your tastes. Hear the voices of our own companies speak in their own words. Enjoy!


Tiense Suikerraffinaderij introduces innovative industrial heat pump as a European first

Small country, great technology: Tiense Suikerraffinaderij is taking a new step in sustainable industrial innovation with the introduction of a unique industrial heat pump. 


Huyghe Brewery wants to put Brewery ‘Het Anker’ on the map internationally

How do our breweries work on the internationalization of Belgian beer? By tapping into new markets and developing innovating distribution strategies, according to Huyghe Brewery. And that is what the brewery will now also do for brewery 'Het Anker'!


3 reasons why SIAL Paris is gold to Belgian food companies

Over a five-day period in October 2024, Paris was the beating heart of the latest trends and innovations in the world of food and drink. Our Belgian food companies again won gold on the strength of their insatiable hunger for quality, innovation and sustainability. 


Sitting down with… Koffiecafé’s Petty De Sloovere

Latte, cappuccino or iced? We all enjoy our coffee in our own way. What does the future of coffee look like? We sat down with Petty De Sloovere from the Royal Belgian Coffee Roasters Association: an interview on coffee trends and the sector's sustainability commitments.


Roeselare, the birthplace of your Mexican wraps and tortilla chips

The wraps of Roeselare are booming. No less than 6 million wraps roll off the conveyor belt every day at Paulig, the largest Tex-Mex factory in Europe. And it's running smoothly as their turnover grows by around 5 percent annually, currently accounting for 500 million euros. Olé!


A sweet partnership between Klingele and Japan

Since the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) came into effect in 2019, a sweet partnership has flourished between Klingele Chocolade and Japan. Belgian chocolates have always been a hit with the Japanese, but the agreement has given our exports an extra boost.


Fair and sustainable chocolate from Guylian

Do you also enjoy a delicious Belgian chocolate that is “fair” as well? Chocolate manufacturer Guylian - yes the one known for its seafood pralines - sets a high standard for sustainability.


Who are we? @wearefoodbe on Instagram and TikTok!

Ready for take-off? We recently launched our new social media account on Instagram and TikTok to bring our Belgian food and drinks to new heights. Highlighting our delicious sector in a different way, and moreover, inspiring young talent for an exciting career in a food company? Check it out!


PepsiCo want to invest €200 million in the expansion of its crisps factory in Veurne and make it more sustainable

PepsiCo is set to expand its crisps factory in Veurne, West Flanders, with plans for new production and personnel facilities, as well as a brand-new warehouse. The company is also committed to making the factory more sustainable.