
Westvlees is responsible for the different stages of processing of pork from A to Z. From slaughtering, cutting, freezing, packaging and labelling, to preparing ready-to-eat pork dishes. All products are prepared on site. This offers a guarantee for impeccable quality, flexible service and optimum pricing. Westvlees slaughters 1.4 million pigs per year and produces about 120,000 tons of pork. West meat has satisfied customers in more than 50 countries worldwide, mainly in the meat industry, distribution and wholesale, but also in the retail industry, the hospitality industry and the catering industry.

Products and brands

Meat, meat products and game





Available in the following countries

Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Aruba, Australia, Equatorial Guinea, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea (South), Netherlands, Russian Federation, Slovenia, United Kingdom