Coca-Cola hardly needs an introduction. However, for the past 90 years, the global beverage company has worked hard, together with the world’s largest bottler, “Coca-Cola European Partners”, to earn its rightful place in the heart of Belgian consumers and the beverage market. And though the words ‘classic’ and ‘unchanging’ certainly come to mind, the company makes significant efforts to keep up with the times.

90 years Made in Belgium
Coca-Cola was introduced in Belgium exactly 90 years ago - in 1927 - and has since grown to be a locally anchored company employing about 2,400 people across 3 production sites (Ghent, Antwerp, and Chaudfontaine), 5 distribution sites (Ghent, Antwerp, Heppignies, Hasselt, and Chaudfontaine), a technical service center in Londerzeel, and local headquarters in Brussels. The nation’s capital is also the hub for one of the largest R&D centers of The Coca-Cola Company worldwide.
From Coca-Cola original to total beverage company
With the rise of e-commerce and significant changes in consumers’ tastes and habits, Coca-Cola has had to change the way it approaches its audience. 90 years ago, the brand and the company were one and the same. Today, Coca-Cola offers more than just soft drinks, and therefore requires extensive efforts by its R&D department. The Brussels R&D center, which services 122 countries in Europe, Africa, and the Middle-East, is working non-stop to create new flavors and recipes with less sugar for the health-conscious consumer. Hardly a novelty for the beverage conglomerate, which was the first company to market a sugar-free soft drink 30 years ago: the well-famous Coca-Cola light.
Innovation is in our DNA. We consistently strive for the best quality for our products.
A sustainable approach
Sustainability has always been at the heart of Coca-Cola’s business. With the newly launched Sustainability Action Plan, “This is Forward”, the company is taking action on sustainability by using its business and brands to build a better future, for people and for the planet. As the leader in the industry of beverages, Coca-Cola has both the strength to act and the responsibility to set new standards for sustainability. The company focuses on three leadership priorities: drinks, packaging and society. You can read Coca-Cola’s Sustainability Action Plan on their website: www.cocacolabelgium.be.