Avieta has been winning over hearts (and taste buds) all around the world for over 80 years with its scrumptious waffles. Behind this sweet indulgence is a tale of tradition, quality and continuous innovation.

The name ‘Avieta’ is the abbreviation of 'Au Verger du Vieux Tauve' which is in reference to an orchard on the picturesque heights of Coutisse in the Belgian province of Namur. The people who started Avieta were making fruit waffles from the fruit they had been harvesting from their orchard in the small village of Coutisse. As is often the case, what started out as an artisanal experiment soon waxed into a thriving business.
Nowadays, Avieta is entirely focused on the production of waffles, with Brussels and Liège waffles as its core products. In addition, the company also offers all manner of specialties, such as heart-shaped waffles and 'sliced waffles'. What is more, Avieta is also known for its ability to create custom products and recipes that are geared to the specific needs and requirements of the market as well as the customer.

Authentic premium quality product
In a traditional market with numerous competitors, Avieta has managed to carve out a distinct profile for itself by pursuing authenticity and premium quality. Avieta was not looking to enter into competition with other local waffle producers but to deliver an authentic quality product packed with flavour and oozing Belgian know-how.
Know-how which the bakers have in spades, as the waffle company manages to turn waffles into a real high-quality luxury product all year round. As it is, Avieta works closely with local providers and partners thereby making sure this wealth of Belgian tradition and expertise is not lost.

Premium Belgian waffle baked in Belgium
Avieta has always pursued innovation and growth. Since 2010 however, the business has fully focused on developing international activities. A strategic decision that has proved a smash hit, as the company has been seeing substantial growth year on year ever since. Avieta markets itself as the producer of ‘Premium Belgian waffle baked in Belgium’. Avieta sets itself very high standards, which only benefits the full flavour.
The company is continuing to innovate and adapt to changing market trends and consumer preferences. Which makes it imperative for Avieta to constantly seek out new concepts and ingredients in order to meet all expectations. The ‘sliced waffle’ is a perfect point in case, although the business is also looking at vegan recipes. In the very short term they are also set to present brand new packaging. A day without a waffle is like a day without a smile…