Anuga 2023 is a wrap! The food fair in Cologne was again the event of the year for our members. As many as 192 Belgian food companies talked to existing and potentially new customers about their diverse products and latest innovations. And what seems? Our delicious, high-quality Belgian food and drinks were clearly loved by the visitors. Wunderbar!
Each year, the two most important European food fairs alternate: SIAL in Paris and Anuga in Cologne. The previous edition of Anuga dates back to 2021 and was, due to corona measures, only a light version. This year, all foodies again opted for more: more exhibitors, more visitors and, above all, more tasters. In short, Anuga 2023 could once again count on a tasty turnout with a nice international mix. Remarkable were the many visitors from Asia, with Japan in the lead and the United Arab Emirates.
Such an international food fair is the perfect time to spot new trends. We engaged our senses and were guided by smells, tastes, and textures. We also listened to the food companies present. The result? 5 promising trends for tomorrow’s food.
1. Price-quality: the biggest balance exercise for food companies
Let’s start with the most important challenge for our companies: maintaining the balance between price and quality. Higher raw material, energy and packaging prices are still weighing. The good news is that, after a period of pure focus on price, there is again room for innovation.
Nevertheless, many companies feel the pressure of reduced purchasing power in the international markets. Their products should not become more expensive, but quality remains imperative. So, for our food companies, it will be a challenge to continue to offer the same high quality at equal or even lower prices.
2. Pure nature
While consumers keep enjoying traditional quality products, the demand for plant-based and organic food is increasing. The consumer wants less sugar and other additives in his food and prefers pure flavours. In other words, conscious and healthy food choices are coming to the fore, bringing traditional and natural food production into fashion. Moreover, more and more consumers are looking for products with a “clean label”, i.e. where the ingredient list is as short as possible and contains as few E-numbers as possible.
3. Let’s get functional
On the other hand, there was a lot of interest in qualitative Belgian products in convenience form at Anuga. Food also often just has to be tasty and easy. Ready-made meals fit seamlessly into a busy lifestyle. Traditional meals are replaced by ready-to-eat, read-to-cook and on-the-go products. At the same time, consumers are looking for tailored functional foods, such as foods with health benefits, diet-friendly options and foods without sugar or gluten. Functionality doesn't just apply to traditional meals: healthy snacking is here to stay. Balanced on-the-go snacks are an added value for busy consumers.
4. Food with high nutritional quality
The demand for food with a high nutritional quality continues to grow as consumers are more conscious about feeding their bodies. Besides the somewhat more exotic, 'ancient grains' are currently on the rise. Ingredients like quinoa, teff, amaranth, millet and even lily seeds arouse curiosity because of their health benefits. Curious to find out how they will be used in our everyday diet in the future!
5. Ready-made aperitifs
Non-alcoholic drinks are also gaining ground. Consumers are more often alternating alcoholic drinks with a non-alcoholic variant and are more conscious of 'drinking in moderation'. Again, functionality is a plus: ready-made cocktails and mocktails are becoming increasingly popular.
In short, consumers are clearly concerned with balanced and functional food. Curious about which trends Anuga discovered itself? You can discover them here. showed visitors the way to Belgian exhibitors.
In cooperation with the regional international trade agencies (FIT, AWEX and, Fevia created a handy pocket map that showed visitors the way to the Belgian food companies at the fair. The QR code led visitors to the company pages of all 192 participating Belgian companies on the website.