• The unique aspects of Belgian malt are essential for all Belgian beers, as much as the unique brewing process. Did you know that the largest malt group in the world has its head office in Belgium?
  • Our ports, good roads and water connections with North-West Europe makes Belgium a hub in the international trade of lipids and proteins
  • From cereals to spelt and oats: Belgian mills innovate and produce different kinds of flour compositions
  • Belgian sugar manufacturers produce both bulk and speciality sugars for the end consumer and numerous industrial, mainly local producers in Belgium 
  • Sector represented by Aroma, the Association of Producers, Importers, Processors and Mixers of Flavours, Fragrances and Extractions; FBM, The Federation of Belgian Maltster; KVBM, the Belgian Royal Milling Association; Liprobel, the Federation of Belgian Producers of Fats and Oils; UNIFA, the Union of Belgian Suppliers for Baking, Cakes, Chocolate and Ice Cream Producers and SUBEL, the Association of Belgian Sugar Producers
Browse 156 Belgian companies in this category

A nutritious smoothie bowl? Ready in 3, 2, 1 with Cube

Putting together a nutritious meal has never been easier. Cube, an SME from West Flanders, has launched an innovation: smoothies in the form of frozen drops. “With the drops, one can create a nutritious smoothie bowl in no time, without compromising on taste or quality.”


BENEO Wijgmaal inaugurates extra production line for rice starch

Producing more rice starch at unchanged water consumption levels? BENEO pulled it off. The Wijgmaal site is getting an additional production line, which will drive up production capacity by 50% with the company creating a further 20 jobs.

Best of Belgium

Nutradia - Healthy snacking: a mission impossible?

Nutradia's mission is to help consumers evolve to a better-for-you snacking behaviour by providing snacks that are both delicious and healthy.

Best of Belgium

Vandemoortele - Shaping a tasty future

Vandemoortel focuses on frozen bakery products and margarines, culinary oils and fats.

Best of Belgium

Snack Euroingredients - 25 years of creative solutions for eating well

Snick EuroIngredients offer blends in powder, liquid, paste and is strong in both sweet and savoury food applications.

Best of Belgium

Prayon - Passionate experts in phosphate chemistry

Prayon is the world leader in phosphate applications for agriculture, horticulture, industry, and pharmaceuticals.

Best of Belgium

AAK - Sustainable plant-based oils and fats

AAK is known around the world for its sustainable plant-based oils and fats.

Best of Belgium

Grano Ladies - Natural. Pure. Unstoppable.

Grano ladies makes varieties of granola, a high-fiber breakfast of whole grain flakes, mixed with a variation of nuts, kernels and seeds, roasted in the oven.