• The unique aspects of Belgian malt are essential for all Belgian beers, as much as the unique brewing process. Did you know that the largest malt group in the world has its head office in Belgium?
  • Our ports, good roads and water connections with North-West Europe makes Belgium a hub in the international trade of lipids and proteins
  • From cereals to spelt and oats: Belgian mills innovate and produce different kinds of flour compositions
  • Belgian sugar manufacturers produce both bulk and speciality sugars for the end consumer and numerous industrial, mainly local producers in Belgium 
  • Sector represented by Aroma, the Association of Producers, Importers, Processors and Mixers of Flavours, Fragrances and Extractions; FBM, The Federation of Belgian Maltster; KVBM, the Belgian Royal Milling Association; Liprobel, the Federation of Belgian Producers of Fats and Oils; UNIFA, the Union of Belgian Suppliers for Baking, Cakes, Chocolate and Ice Cream Producers and SUBEL, the Association of Belgian Sugar Producers
Browse 156 Belgian companies in this category

Tiense Suikerraffinaderij introduces innovative industrial heat pump as a European first

Small country, great technology: Tiense Suikerraffinaderij is taking a new step in sustainable industrial innovation with the introduction of a unique industrial heat pump. 


A nutritious smoothie bowl? Ready in 3, 2, 1 with Cube

Putting together a nutritious meal has never been easier. Cube, an SME from West Flanders, has launched an innovation: smoothies in the form of frozen drops. “With the drops, one can create a nutritious smoothie bowl in no time, without compromising on taste or quality.”


Tiense Suikerraffinaderij introduces innovative industrial heat pump as a European first

Small country, great technology: Tiense Suikerraffinaderij is taking a new step in sustainable industrial innovation with the introduction of a unique industrial heat pump. 


A nutritious smoothie bowl? Ready in 3, 2, 1 with Cube

Putting together a nutritious meal has never been easier. Cube, an SME from West Flanders, has launched an innovation: smoothies in the form of frozen drops. “With the drops, one can create a nutritious smoothie bowl in no time, without compromising on taste or quality.”


Spotted at Anuga: 5 promising trends for tomorrow’s food

Anuga 2023 is a wrap! The food fair in Cologne was again the event of the year for our members. As many as 192 Belgian food companies talked to existing and potentially new customers about their diverse products and latest innovations.


BENEO Wijgmaal inaugurates extra production line for rice starch

Producing more rice starch at unchanged water consumption levels? BENEO pulled it off. The Wijgmaal site is getting an additional production line, which will drive up production capacity by 50% with the company creating a further 20 jobs.


What’s for dinner tomorrow?

The Belgian food industry recently launched its new Sustainability Roadmap. This compass is the industry’s bid to lead the way over the years ahead in pushing for a sustainable food system working in tandem with consumers, food chain partners and other stakeholders.


A taste of Belgium at Expo 2020 Dubai

Expo 2020 Dubai is a hotspot to get inspired about food trends across the world. That’s exactly what two of our companies did at the Belgian pavilion, demonstrating how they want to grow bread on Mars…  And we asked visitors how they get inspired by our Belgian food and drinks! 


How Fuji Oil is working towards sustainable production for plant-based foods

With its "Tebma-Kandu" programme, Fuji Oil is improving the working conditions of communities in Ghana and with a partnership it is also committed to sustainable palm oil production.


Gulf region’s taste for Belgian food

Our Belgian delicacies have been gaining popularity in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and by extension the entire Gulf region. What other opportunities, food trends and events does the Middle East have to offer you? 


100 year old flavour maker Lecocq Flavours in full expansion

For four generations, Lecocq Flavours has been developing a wide range of liquid flavourings and distillates. Now, 100 years later, the Limburg based company is in full growth and wants to expand.